
Resolutions for recovery
5 New Year’s Resolutions for People Wanting Recovery

Whether you’re reading this before the new year bell has rung or you’ve fallen upon this two weeks into the new year, you need to know one thing: every day is a chance for you to start anew. It doesn’t just have to be in the new year. One of the most challenging yet influential […]

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Gratitude in Addiction Recovery
The Role of Gratitude in Recovery 

My gratitude goes out to this wonderful universe. It is a blessing to have shelter and food. I am grateful for all the opportunities that come my way. It is a privilege to be myself. The ability to give and receive love is something I’m grateful for. Life is precious to me, and I am […]

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Lies Addicts Tell
The Most Damaging Lies You Can Tell Yourself While Dealing With Addiction

Denial is the ultimate comfort zone. But, unfortunately, addiction attaches itself to your denial, and from that comes a web of twisted lies that makes reality even harder to reach. In addition to addiction’s physical, emotional, and psychological components, you may lie to yourself for various reasons. You may create these lies due to underlying […]

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Children of alcoholics
An Unwelcome Inheritance: Adult Children of Alcoholics

People struggling with addiction often mistakenly believe they are only affecting themselves. Yet, children in the environment of these conditions can be affected just as much or even more than the ones drinking. These children, also known as adult children of alcoholics (COAs), are wounded in ways that most people will never be able to […]

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Substance Abuse Recovery

Individuals who come to treatment are often conflicted. Substance abuse has negatively impacted their lives, but they cannot imagine a better or different future without it. The goal of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is to help individuals change their lives by placing more emphasis on things they need to value, rather than what their addiction […]

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Drinking culture
The Rise of Social Cultures Around Substance Abuse

We’ve all seen them: the memes, the social outings, the trends, and the posts from friends and families on their Facebook that are centered (possibly unknowingly) around excess or unhealthy ways of consuming alcohol. Multiple alcohol and drug trends have started sprouting their own cultures. Information gets around so quickly now that once an idea […]

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couples rehab
Benefits of Couples Rehab

Many rehab programs don’t accept couples, placing more emphasis on individual recovery first. However, the thinking is beginning to change. Research shows that there are benefits to simultaneously addressing the needs of each partner individually as well as the couple as a whole through couples addiction therapy. Relationship stability is one of the biggest predictors […]

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addiction recovery environment
Make or Break: How The Environment You’re in Affects Your Recovery

Some excellent and sage advice: “You can’t heal in the same environment where you got sick.” Cliche? Maybe. Blatantly truthful? Absolutely.  Where you are physically holds a lot of power over where you are mentally. When it comes to your surroundings, it’s crucial to hone healthy situations and experiences for yourself; especially if you’re in […]

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Work stress and substance abuse
Job Stress is Manipulative and Substance Abuse Can Take Advantage

Maintaining a job can enhance our lives by improving our health and overall mindset toward life because it can give us purpose and satisfaction. Yet, many people face consequential stress in the workplace that can pose a threat to their health, physically and mentally. According to the American Institute of Stress, in 2022, 83% of […]

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Convince someone go rehab
How to Convince Someone To Go To Rehab

Finding out your loved one has an issue with drug or alcohol abuse is never easy. It can be incredibly painful to see your family or loved one struggle with the effects of addiction, and even more difficult to get them to stop and go to rehab. You might be tempted to drag them into recovery yourself, […]

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