Category: Mental Health

Toxic Positivity and Depression: Why Optimism and “Looking at the Bright Side” Isn’t Always Helpful
In these uncertain times, I’m sure its fair to say that most of us have had the occasional moment of worry, anxiety, stress, or sadness. We hear the statistics like we may need to continue some form of social distancing into 2022, and we watch the number of people who have tested positive and those […]
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Mental Health and Coronavirus: Adjusting to a New Normal
We’re living in a time in a world that we never could have guessed 2020 would bring us. With the words ‘uncertainty’, ‘unknown’, ‘impossible to predict’, and ‘breaking news’ becoming part of our daily lives, the disruption of routine can make this temporary new norm feel uncomfortable and unfamiliar. There is no more 8 AM […]
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