Alumni Network

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Discovery Point Retreat Alumni Network

Addiction recovery is a lifelong journey. That’s why we remain dedicated to our clients and their recovery goals beyond treatment completion. As part of our expansive recovery family, our alumni have full access to comprehensive relapse prevention resources as well as community events, support groups, and alumni counseling services tailored to the unique challenges of early recovery.

Addiction recovery is an ongoing commitment to prioritizing your mental health and sobriety. Staying connected to your treatment family and support system along that journey helps to keep you focused, accountable, and on the right path.

While your walk through life is uniquely your own, knowing that people who understand are walking alongside you is motivating and creates a bond unlike any other. Your peers in sobriety and your recovery team are here to celebrate each milestone and lift you back up if you stumble. 

How Can Alumni Support Help Me Recover?

Helena Lopes - Discovery Point Retreat

Staying connected with a strong support network is the best way to stay on track with your recovery. In Discovery Point Retreat’s alumni network you’ll find a built-in family of people who understand exactly what you’ve been through. And beyond just helping you stay focused on your sobriety, our alumni know how to have fun!

Whether you graduated two years ago or two hours ago, you’re part of the family. Our alumni are diverse, interesting, adventurous — and great listeners. We know each one of our alumni has a story to share, and it’s one that can help change lives. There are so many activities and options, including:

Service to Others
Service to others is an important factor to any recovery journey. Getting involved in the Discovery Point Retreat alumni network gives you opportunities to share your journey and experience with others, especially those in early recovery.

Guidance and Mentorship

We also welcome alumni to visit with current clients and provide mentorship so they can learn what’s working for you. Just give us a call at 855-306-8054, and we’ll find a good time for you to visit us.

Treatment Advocacy

Another great option is to speak with prospective clients — or their loved ones. It’s an opportunity to let them know what they can expect from their time at Discovery Point Retreat and reassure them that sobriety isn’t the end of the road; it’s a whole new beginning. If you’d like to be an alumni ambassador for us, please let us know. We’d love to have your help!

Discovery Point Retreat Alumni Benefits

As part of our alumni family, all clients have access to:

The Alumni Support Hotline: Available 24/7/365, the alumni hotline offers crisis management and relapse prevention support no matter when you need it. Call us anytime at 855-306-8054.

Alumni App and Facebook Group: Stay connected with your treatment team and peers through our exclusive support app and alumni Facebook group. With these resources there’s always someone available to listen and help when you need it the most.

Alumni Group Therapy Sessions: Discovery Point Retreat offers alumni group therapy sessions that help you navigate the challenges of sober living with your recovery family. These sessions offer a non-judgmental space to continue learning and growing from and with each other. Call 855-306-8054 to schedule a session.

Alumni Events and Outings: Sobriety isn’t boring. Our monthly alumni events and outings give you the chance to have fun and experience new things safely and without putting your recovery in jeopardy. Check out the events calendar in our alumni app for upcoming alumni events!

Treatment Guarantee: After completing 60 days of treatment at Discovery Point Retreat, if you experience a relapse you can receive an additional 60 days of treatment at no cost. Learn more.

We’re excited to see what lies ahead on your recovery journey. Get connected with our alumni network today for help and support every step of the way.