Category: Addiction Treatment

Motivation is important in long-term recovery from drug or alcohol addiction. The longer a person stays in aftercare programs and sticks to their recovery plan, the less likely they are to relapse. Each day in recovery can present challenges, which is why offering words of encouragement for someone in rehab or to someone who has completed treatment […]
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The thought of heading to rehab can be overwhelming. But taking this step and committing to Discovery Point Retreat is the best decision for you. As you learn more about treatment, you will have to start considering what you’re going to pack and bring with you. Don’t stress over packing for rehab. This is a checklist created […]
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The withdrawal symptoms that you may experience when attempting to quit drinking or using drugs after a physical dependence range from discomfort to serious medical concerns. Together with intense cravings, these symptoms can make stopping substance abuse seem like an out-of-reach goal. However, through our supportive medical detox services at Discovery Point Retreat, you can […]
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