Steve’s Addiction Recovery Story

Steve’s Addiction Recovery Story

Confident and charismatic, Steven is unlike the stereotype we see of people in addiction treatment or recovery. However, beneath this exterior lay an internal struggle he knows all too well – grappling with his own alcoholism.

For years, Steven battled against his perception of addiction, often masking his struggles to meet societal expectations. It wasn’t until he embarked on his journey to recovery that he truly delved into the depths of his being. Along the way, he confronted his own internal struggles, uncovering layers of trauma that had long been buried.

Despite facing numerous obstacles, including multiple stints in rehab, Steve managed to secure his dream job. Yet, upon entering the workplace, he quickly realized the prevalence of social drinking within the office culture. This newfound challenge served as a poignant reminder of the ongoing journey toward sobriety and self-discovery, and he thought to himself, “I’m just going to be very conscious of how much I drink.” Needless to say, one drink led to another and to another, and the old habits started right back up again.

He did due diligence in finding Discovery Point, looked at many different options, and connected to the person he spoke to on the phone.

“It was the care and compassion of the person I spoke to on the phone that really started that process to get me excited about trying something new. It felt very much like I was home in a sense – I was just truly myself, and Discovery Point Retreat allowed me to be comfortable with that. An interesting thing happened whenever I became my true, authentic Steven self: people started to talk to me. I learned that people could like me for who I actually am, defects and all. And I’ll tell you this – it’s far, far, far easier not to play the charade of trying to pretend to be someone else.”

“It was just such a comfortable environment for me. I first had to go through the detox period, and they provided what they called “‘comfort meds,”’ which really did make me feel comfortable throughout the detox period. The medical staff was highly impressive; I was really impressed with everybody. They really wanted to know exactly how I truly felt. They weren’t a distributor providing all these different meds. And if you weren’t feeling right about a particular one, you just let them talk to the doctor, and they were fantastic about changing that and, again, making you feel as comfortable as possible.

“Discovery Point Retreat was very good about making a plan for me that was very individualized and tailored. What was good about the program itself was that it allowed you the opportunity to dig deeper into figuring out what made you turn to drugs or alcohol in the first place. It’s not pointed out in such a way that you’re called out either; it’s something that naturally and organically happens throughout the entire process.”

“You start to communicate with the different people that you’re in the house with. And everybody has their own story, so you’re not just learning from the counselors, the recovery coaches – you’re learning from the people living in the house, sharing the same experiences that you are. I truly believe that Discovery Point Retreat was the right type of culture and environment to help me let go of what was holding me back. It helped me let go of everything that I had perceived in the past and allowed me to push the factory reset button on my life. Each day, you get to see that you are growing, and there are some amazing times where you get those “‘ah ha!”’ moments, and that was really spectacular.”

Steven successfully completed his journey of recovery, embracing the opportunity to be truly seen, understood on a deep level, and uplifted by both the staff and his peers. Each day, he reclaimed sovereignty over his life, progressing one step at a time. Despite being immersed in the comforting amenities of Discovery Point Retreat, Steven remained steadfast in his commitment to his recovery. Rather than serving as distractions, these amenities became supportive tools and welcomed respites. With the guidance and support of Discovery Point Retreat, Steven navigated his way to the other side of addiction, emerging stronger and more resilient than ever before.

If you or someone you love is in need of help, contact us today at 855-306-8054. Discovery Point Retreat is here to support you through recovery no matter where you are in your journey.

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